About Dr. Muehsam and Transformational MedicineTM

A woman with long hair smiling in a circle.
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Dr. Muehsam is a pioneer in the synthesis of science, holistic health, and contemporary spirituality, and has distinguished herself as a practitioner, educator, research scientist, and award-winning author.

She was a thought leader in the alternative medicine movement in the United States, and was invited to participate in the congressionally mandated meetings that led to the formation of the Office of Alternative Medicine by the National Institutes of Health, now the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Dr. Muehsam has been an influential force in shaping the landscape of healthcare options available today.

Since then, she has been at the forefront of the evolution and change that has taken place in medicine today—a change that has mainstreamed many alternative and complementary medicine practices, a change that is offering individuals and communities powerful tools for navigating health and well-being, and a change that is beginning to alter Western medicine from the inside out.

Medical Education
Dr. Muehsam founded the Association of American Medical Colleges’ first initiative for curriculum development in alternative and complementary medicine. Her efforts laid the groundwork for curriculum change at medical schools throughout the United States. She has presented nationally and internationally as an invited speaker on medical education.

Dr. Muehsam started The Mount Sinai School of Medicine’s first curriculum in alternative and complementary medicine. Local students, as well as students from medical schools throughout the United States and overseas, have studied with Dr. Muehsam to learn about these practices and her unique approach to health and healing.

Dr. Muehsam’s original laboratory research at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine began when she was a medical student, and used the tools of bioelectromagnetics to study intention, the healer phenomenon, qigong, and homeopathy. Trailblazing work at the time, she published in the peer-reviewed literature and traveled nationally and internationally, presenting her findings at professional conferences. Since then, she has investigated trance medium, spiritual and psychic healing phenomena, as well as the links between consciousness and health.

About Transformational Medicine™
Dr. Muehsam founded Transformational Medicine™, an individualized and whole-person approach to healing, wellness, and living, offering individuals tools and resources for addressing not just health, but all aspects of one’s life—relationships, finances, life path, spiritual and/or metaphysical concerns—because everything is connected.

Central themes of Dr. Muehsam’s work are self-empowerment, self-healing, and the inherent and ubiquitous role of consciousness in all aspects of our lives. On health, she views illness or dis-ease as a signal from within, offering an opportunity for healing and growth on many levels. Healing and wellness extend far beyond the notion of fixing the physical body. Ultimately, health and well-being are a state of mind.

Dr. Muehsam’s Services
Dr. Muehsam’s services include:

  • Individual Health and Wellness Consultations
  • Workshops
  • Teleseminars and Webinars
  • Online Courses
  • Retreats
  • Writings
  • Public Speaking
  • Consulting
  • Medical Education

Dr. Muehsam’s Personal Story
Dr. Muehsam’s journey has been marked by both extraordinary personal challenges and extraordinary openings, all of which have informed her journey and have been an inspiration for her professional activities.

Her personal experiences of illness and healing that defied conventional Western medical thinking, as well as her bearing witness to the seemingly miraculous healings of others, were profound and formative teachers. They forever framed her understanding of consciousness, health, illness, and healing in a new light and led her to recognize the limits of Western medicine and the biomedical paradigm. They inspired her choice of medicine as her life’s work.

Her intention was, and still is, to serve as a bridge and catalyst for the development of an expanded healing paradigm, and as a conduit to new ways of knowing, understanding, and experiencing health and well-being.

Dr. Muehsam’s personal story has played a huge role in the professional path that she has taken.

She is the fifth generation of physicians on her father’s side, who was a German-Jewish Holocaust survivor and cardiologist. During her medical training, she bore witness to her father’s seemingly miraculous cure from a catastrophic stroke that he had 18 years earlier. It was a cure that defied conventional medical thinking.

Later on, from her early 20s through her 40s, she journeyed through a number of life-challenging health issues. She explored many different healing systems and approaches. Amongst them were traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, mind-body medicine practices, homeopathy, electromagnetic device technologies, and energy medicine practices, including EFT, body-centered healing practices, and spiritual healing.

Her subsequent recovery and healing defied conventional medical thinking as well. Learning to heal herself was a crucial stepping stone towards her understanding more deeply the possibilities for and nature of healing.

One constant in her life has been music—offering healing and inspiration, comfort, and communion. She learned piano, flute, and singing as a young child and did a double major in music and science/philosophy of science in college. Her recent musical activities include solo and group vocal jazz, gospel, and choral music of all the classical genres, from Early Medieval to Baroque, to the Twentieth Century. She performs with various groups at venues in the New York City area.

Overarching themes in both Dr. Muehsam’s professional practice and her personal life are the importance of mindfulness and presence, of play and ease, and self-compassion. A sense of connection to both nature and the ineffable spiritual realms is also vital for her.

Dr. Muehsam’s Life Today
Dr. Muehsam lives in New York City with Benjamin, her adopted Golden Retriever and wise spiritual advisor. She relishes time in the urban oasis of Central Park and, in addition to nature and the play of puppies, continues to keep music close.

Her personal life, her delights, her predilections, and her hobbies reflects her desire to live fully what she teaches, to live fully in the present moment.

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