Beyond Medicine: A Physician’s Revolutionary Prescription for Achieving Absolute Health and Finding Inner Peace

A path to health and well-being that is extraordinary in its ease and profound in its results, from a pioneer in the synthesis of science, holistic health, and contemporary spirituality
What do health and healing — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual — really mean? After decades researching this question, Patricia Muehsam, MD, offers a revolutionary new way to think about health. Muehsam invites readers to travel beyond medicine, to Absolute Health. It involves being, not doing, and it’s available to all of us, in this very moment.
In the 1990s, along with other thought leaders, Muehsam forged new ground that led to the establishment of the Office of Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health. Her original laboratory research at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine investigated distant healing. Dr. Muehsam founded the Association of American Medical Colleges’ first initiative in alternative and complementary medicine, leading medical schools throughout the United States to add courses in the field. As a young woman, Dr. Muehsam experienced catastrophic illness within her family and in her own life. All of these events inform the groundbreaking approach she presents here. Chapters describe extraordinary experiences of illness and healing that defy conventional thinking; detail the ancient wisdom and the modern science of consciousness; delve into the work of mystics and miracle workers; and offer practical tools for experiencing Absolute Health — tools for navigating being human.
Praise for Beyond Medicine
“Beyond Medicine may be the only health-and-healing book you will ever need. In it, physician-researcher Patricia Muehsam guides us to the rock-bottom essence of health: peace of mind. Like all truly great teachers, Muehsam has 'been there,' and this fact lends a powerful genuineness and authenticity to this book. If you are tired of chasing one healing practice after another, you will discover that health consists of being and surrender, not doing and struggling.”
Larry Dossey, MD
Author, ONE MIND: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters
Executive Editor, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing
“A pioneering perspective and a revolutionary prescription, Beyond Medicine is grounded in modern science and graced with ancient wisdom. Dr. Muehsam’s book is a must read for anyone seeking to claim or reclaim their health and well-being. Readers will learn, firsthand, through the tools that Dr. Muehsam offers, how to do just that: how to find one’s way to Absolute Health and inner peace. That way is extraordinarily simple — a remarkable offering, given the sophistication and complexity of human biology and our long held beliefs about what it takes to get well and be well. In fact, Dr. Muehsam teaches us that it takes very little, that our way to health and well-being is easy and effortless.”
Daniel P. Eskinazi, DDS, PhD, LAc
Founding Deputy Director, National Institutes of Health, Office of Alternative Medicine
"Beyond Medicine introduces you to a powerful healer with special abilities: you. In this empowering book, Patricia Muehsam shows that everyone, including you, has great healing abilities within, just waiting to be tapped. Her warmth and authenticity draw readers in, inviting them to become participants in a journey towards absolute health."
Marci Shimoff
Author, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul
“Dr. Patricia Muehsam has been on a remarkable journey, one that has tested her soul and challenged modern definitions of sickness, health, and healing. In the process she has made astonishing discoveries about our virtually limitless capacities to determine our own state of wellness. This is not woo-woo stuff; you don’t help found an office within the National Institutes of Health or work at a Harlem methadone clinic unless you’re the real deal. Dr. Muehsam is the real deal, and what she has to share is as important as anything in the world of health today.”
John David Mann
Coauthor of the New York Times bestseller and award-winning classic The Go-Giver
“Beyond Medicine respects what conventional medicine has to offer while also acknowledging its limits. That’s where Dr. Muehsam steps in and invites us to take a more active role in our own health and happiness by harnessing the power of deep inner peace — and enjoying its many biological and psychological benefits. The best part? She gives you step-by-step exercises you can do right now to reach a powerful state of inner peace. Beyond Medicine is a must-read for anyone looking to change the course of their life for the better."
Kelly A. Turner, PhD
New York Times bestselling author of Radical Hope and Radical Remission
“In Beyond Medicine Dr. Muehsam has provided a valuable resource for understanding the interconnection of mind and body. The book offers do-it-yourself tools for getting in touch with the emotional links to not just physical health but any and all life challenges. It also provides a succinct overview of various health care practices, drawing from both ancient traditions and modern research, all of which inform her model of Absolute Health. I particularly appreciate Dr. Muehsam's recognition that mainstream and alternative medicine are complementary, rather than conflicting.”
Brenda J. Dunne, PhD
President of International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL) and former Laboratory Manager of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory. Co-author with Robert Jahn, PHD of Margins of Reality: The Role of Consciousness in the Physical World and Consciousness and the Source of Reality: The PEAR Odyssey.
“For over many decades, Patricia Muehsam MD, an experienced healthcare provider, has inhabited the spheres of both allopathic and alternative medicine, as a practitioner, educator, and research scientist, and also as a patient. As an educator, she has introduced medical students, physicians, and the general public to the fields of complimentary and integrative medicine, through her courses, lectures, and writings. As a patient, she has experienced health challenges firsthand.
Beyond Medicine reflects Dr. Muehsam’s years of explorations into the science and art of healing; she gathers all that she has learned — informed by research and personal stories — into a book that not only educates but inspires.
Beyond Medicine is encyclopedic in its coverage of current thought and available evidence, complete with a supplemental appendix of resources for the reader to explore on their own. But in addition to informing, she also presents practical exercises that illustrate the concepts she presents, empowering the reader to understand and experience their own personal power to facilitate healing, health and well-being.
Dr. Muehsam’s approach is nonjudgmental and affirming and she explains that it matters less which approach for healing we choose than it does how we approach that choice, reminding us that our commitment to our own well-being is not only helpful but an absolutely necessary part of the healing formula. In this extensive exposé, Dr. Trish—as her patients refer to her—maintains there is not one way to Absolute Health but many, and that the power doesn’t lie within the method itself but within us.”
“It was a great read and I learned so much! I love that it is experiential; truly a guidebook and such a smart way to assemble a wide breadth of knowledge. It will be one I go back to repeatedly as a resource.”
Laurin Bellg, MD
Board-certified Critical Care Physician, Chair of Medicine, ICU Director, and Author, Near Death in the ICU
"This brilliant book offers us clarity and solutions for vibrant health, from an expert guide who stands by us to light the way. It brings us exactly what we’ve been waiting for—a comforting, useful, and timely guide for feeling well, getting well, and living well."
Amy Scher
Bestselling author of How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can
"An in-depth guide to better understanding possibilities for rejuvenating and healing our body/mind. Anyone can benefit from the wisdom Dr. Muehsam has transmitted in this cutting edge book."
Dr. Marc Grossman OD, LAc
Author, Natural Eye Care and Magic Eye Beyond 3D: Improve Your Vision
Medical Director, Natural Eye Care
"Dr. Muehsam is the physician we have all been waiting for! In this exquisite book, she offers the ground floor to your ever-expanding path to overall wellbeing. Greater health and vitality are within us all. It always has been.
This book will help you find your way in with a gentle touch and an accepting heart."
Emily A. Francis
Author, The Body Heals Itself, Whole Body Healing and Healing Ourselves Whole
"Patricia Muehsam's book Beyond Medicine is a treasure which we all need to read in order to learn from her experience and wisdom. When I began speaking and writing books I was called controversial. What Patricia writes about is not controversial. It is her experience and mine too. She has the courage to live her teachings and to accept and learn from her experience. Doctors are trained to treat the diagnosis but not the patient. So read Patricia's prescription to help you to find health and inner peace."
Bernie Siegel, MD
Author of Love, Medicine & Miracles and The Art of Healing