
BEING HERE NOW. How it can shift things. How it can transform your life. And how to do it.

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Dr. Trish and Benjamin, in another one of their informal, unscripted, and spontaneous videos, remind you of the POWER OF PRESENCE – how BEING HERE NOW shifts whatever’s going on.No matter what’s going on in your life, whether it’s a health issue, a relationship concern, financial challenges, or something else, BEING IN THE MOMENT with what is, is the first step to shifting things.As counterintuitive as this may seem, take a few minutes to take a peak to learn why BEING, not DOING, is the key to all that we’re needing.And she offers you a simple and short guided breathing experience to experience just that.Enjoy!


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Dr. Trish visits with you from the floor of her home office, and as always, with Mr. Benjamin in attendance. Here she shows you a simple, powerful and speedy way to shift from any state of “dis”-ease to ease, in mere moments! All you need is a wall, or, as Dr. Trish demonstrates, a bookcase! Look and listen, and find yourself a wall or a bookcase to try it for yourself—you’re guaranteed to feel wonderfully free from any worries, challenges and stressors!

DR. TRISH’S PERSONAL STORY….On a Sunday in the Park with Dr. Trish and Benjamin

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Dr. Trish and Benjamin and visit with you on a balmy September Sunday in Central Park. She shares a little more of her personal story: her bearing witness to extraordinary healings, and her own experiences of “dis”-ease and healing that defied conventional Western medical thinking. She describes just how profoundly all of these experiences have transformed her life—forever changing her understanding of health, illness and healing, and of the true nature of reality. And how she’s come to know that healing and transformation are available to us in an instant, in this very moment.


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Dr. Trish and Mr. Benjamin, on their favorite perch by the Lake in Central Park’s Ramble. We don’t suffer because of circumstances and situations in our lives. Rather, we suffer because of how we think and feel about them. Changing how we think and feel can change how we experience the circumstances and situations in our lives. And changing how we think and feel can even change the circumstances and situations in our lives. Dr. Trish offers the simplest, quickest and most powerful tool we have for changing how we think and feel: ABDOMINAL or BELLY BREATHING. She explains the science of it all, and offers up a guide breathing process for you to do along with her. Take a peak, do a little relaxation breathing, and get a little taste of shifting thoughts and feelings! Enjoy!

On EFT. A Powerful Tool for Healing and Transformation

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Dr. Trish and Benjamin visit with you from The Ramble, Central Park….As usual, from Benjamin’s favorite boulder by the Lake. She talks about one of her favorite do-it-yourself tools for healing and transformation: EFT, otherwise known as “Emotional Freedom Technique, or “Tapping.” Dr. Trish has personally experienced the power and immediacy of this tool for herself, and she’s also used it with her patients and workshop clients. One superb resource is Nick and his sister Jessica Ortner’s work: Give a look and listen in.

Spring Clearing: Physically, Mentally and Emotionally

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Dr. Trish and Benjamin come to you from Central Park on a Sunday in March. It’s March, almost spring, but winter’s still holding on a bit. Dr. Trish explains how clearing our physical space and clearing our emotional space can facilitate healing, and even transform circumstances and situations in our lives. She also shares a bit of her personal experience with physical and emotional clearing, inspired by a course she’s taking. May it all inspire you to do a little spring clearing yourself. Take a look and enjoy!

The Key to Shifting Whatever’s Going On….BEING HERE NOW

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Dr. Trish and Benjamin, from the Ramble in Central Park, visit with you to remind you that the most important and powerful first step to shifting any challenges that we’re experiencing is to BE HERE NOW. She explains why, and offers 2 simple tools for doing just that: Breathing and EFT, otherwise known as “Emotional Freedom Technique” or “Tapping.” May you be inspired to stop and pause, and breathe, and be here now!

Dr. Trish, Benjamin and José, on the FOUR PRIMARY MEDICINES

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Dr. Trish, Benjamin and José meet up on a rainy Saturday night, and chat about the Four Primary Medicines — the medicines that we all have access to, anytime, at all times. Take a peak and enjoy Dr. Trish’s and José’s musings on the Four Primary Medicines.