
PERFECT BODY, PERFECT WEIGHT — Freedom from Food, Eating, Body and Weight Struggles

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If you’re struggling with your weight, food, eating, feeling comfortable in your body, join me starting this Tuesday 2/6, for my 6 Week Teleseminar Course PERFECT BODY, PERFECT WEIGHT….


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Dr. Trisha and Mr. Benjamin, still hanging out on the boulder in the Ramble, with some thoughts to share on finding peace these days in a world that’s suffering, full of unrest, “dis”-ease on so many levels. Finding peace within is the answer. It can even change what’s going on around us and beyond. Take a peek and may you be inspired to find your own peaceful place to go within. Enjoy!

Details about Dr. Trish’s Upcoming Course: PERFECT BODY, PERFECT WEIGHT

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Dr. Trish and Mr. Benjamin are hanging out, as usual, in Central Park’s The Ramble, by the Lake. Here you’ll learn about Dr. Trish’ upcoming Teleseminar Course, PERFECT BODY, PERFECT WEIGHT: Freedom from Food, Eating, Body and Weight Struggles. If you’ve been struggling with any of these, take a peek, and consider joining Dr. Trish for this 6 week course. You’ll learn about the 3 key tools for finding freedom from your struggles and a simple and effortless way to your Perfect Body and Perfect Weight. Take a peek and consider joining Dr. Trish for her course!

More details about Dr. Trish’s Upcoming Course: PERFECT BODY, PERFECT WEIGHT

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Dr. Trish and Mr. Benjamin are hanging out, again, as usual, in Central Park’s The Ramble, by the Lake. Here you’ll learn more about Dr. Trish’ upcoming 6 WeekTeleseminar Course, PERFECT BODY, PERFECT WEIGHT: Freedom from Food, Eating, Body and Weight Struggles. If you’ve been struggling with any of these, take a peek, and consider joining Dr. Trish for this 6 week course. You’ll learn about the 3 key tools for finding freedom from your struggles and a simple and effortless way to your Perfect Body and Perfect Weight. Take a peek and consider joining Dr. Trish for her course!

Benjamin’s advice on PLAY, BEING HERE HOW and OUR SIXTH SENSE

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Dr. Trish and Mr Benjamin hang out in Central Park, this time at a different spot — a new boulder, overlooking Cedar Hill. Benjamin is reeling after his big birthday bash, and wanted to share with you some words of wisdom that he thinks will be helpful to you as a human being. He does think that we need to be more like he and his canine companions are from time to time! Enjoy!


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Dr. Trish and Mr. Be on GRATITUDE and DREAMING. Being grateful can change our physiology, change our brains and even change circumstances and situations in our lives. Affirming the good brings us more of it. Dreaming can do the same. Dreaming our dreams, envisioning our visions, and dreaming and envisioning as if we’re living them right now. Take a peek, affirm the good and dream — and see what happens!

— In minutes

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Dr. Trish and Benjamin come to you, yet again, from Benjamin’s favorite perch in the Central Park Ramble. Dr. Trish shares a bit of her personal story — how she’s suffered from anxiety throughout much of her adult life….And she also shares the tools she’s used to find freedom from it all. In this video, you’ll learn a simple, effortless and powerful 2-step process for releasing anxiety. And it takes only minutes. Enjoy!

BE HERE NOW… It’s the cure to healing all that ails us, health-wise and even otherwise

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Dr. Trish and Mr. Benjamin come to you from Dr. Trish’s home office, in another informal and unscripted video, offering you a gentle reminder: The key to shifting difficult circumstances and situations in our lives is NOT to try to change them, but to simply, BE HERE NOW. Being with what is, in the very moment, is the key to shifting circumstances and situations. Dr. Trish offers a simple guided breathing exercise to experience just this: the power of the present moment. Enjoy!