Interview on The Michael Calderin Show; On Health, Healing and More
The Michael Calderin Show. Wednesday, September 27, 2017.
Dr. Trish chats with Michael Calderin on his call-in talk radio show about health, healing, spirituality, and finding peace within, no matter what’s going on.
She shares her personal stories, stories that forever changed her understanding of health, illness and healing. Dr. Trish has born witness to the miraculous healings and life-transformations of others, and she’s also been a patient, having experienced healings that defied conventional medical thinking.
Dr. Trish takes calls and offers listeners a guided relaxation experience to find peace in the moment — the first step to healing all that ails us, health-wise and even otherwise.
Health, Healing and the Power of the Mind: A Mindbody Medicine Approach to Healing Weight Issues
Here’s the audio of Dr. Trish’s TV interview with Dalia Wallach HHC, CH, a hypnotist, imagery expert and health coach. Dr. Trish and Dalia chat about the powerful role of thoughts and feelings, and how healing weight issues is a unique process for everyone, blending mindbody medicine with individualized constitutional nutrition. Enjoy!
Path 11 Radio/TV interview: Discussing Dr. Muehsam’s book BEYOND MEDICINE

Path 11 Radio/TV interview: Discussing Dr. Muehsam’s book BEYOND MEDICINE
Dr. Trish chat’s with April Hannah on her Path 11 Podcast/TV show.
April is a fabulous interviewer, and has a rich background in explorations of mind-body medicine, healing, consciousness, and spirituality. Dr. Trish talked about healing beyond the bounds of Western medicine, just what healing is, and the notion that there is a reality beyond the machinations of our thinking brains and our five senses. And how that reality plays out in our lives.
The Myths of Menopause: Radio Interview with Emily Francis All About Healing Show

The Myths of Menopause: Radio Interview with Emily Francis All About Healing Show
- Listen to Dr. Trish's interview with Emily K. Francis on Emily's All About Healing radio show.
- Dr. Trish offers her illuminating teachings on menopause: the myths and the truths, and how women can move through this phase of life with ease, and free from physical and emotional symptoms.