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On the upcoming Tapping
World Summit
September 10, 2021,EDT / / Comments Off on On the upcoming Tapping
World Summit
World Summit

Dr. Trish and Benjamin, as usual, from Benjamin’s favorite hang in Central Park’s Ramble…
Dr. Trish talks about Nick and Jessica Ortner’s upcoming 10th Annual Tapping World Summit, on EFT, “Emotional Freedom Technique,” or Tapping.
It’s a powerful technique that we can use for any/all issues in our lives — health-wise and even otherwise. And it can shift things very. speedily. What’s makes it most accessible is that it’s a tool that we can learn to do for ourselves, by ourselves.
Check out Dr. Trish’s little intro to the Summit, and definitely, check out EFT, Tapping, and, especially, Nick and Jessica’s website: www.the tapping